Thursday, September 19, 2013

Daily Grade 6: Short Story Rough Draft

DATE: September 19-20, 2013 
Grade Type: Double Daily 

DIRECTIONS: In class, we went over the expectations for the original short story. The expectations are indicated above, in the grading rubric. Then, we used the information for our prior brainstorming in order to begin writing our original short stories! Yay! 

    • Topic brainstorming paper
    • Plot graphic organizer

    • Write about something that is important to you. 
    • Write in a way you think is entertaining. 
    • Add details! Don't tell us! Show us! 
    • If you want the reader to live in the world you create, even for a few minutes, really go all out in creating that world!!! 
    • This is a ROUGH DRAFT. Mistakes are OKAY at this point! Mistakes are just AREAS for GROWTH between your ROUGH DRAFT and FINAL DRAFT! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Major Grade 2: Dramatic Structure for Original Short Story

DATE: September 17 
Grade Type: Major 
DIRECTIONS: Using the brainstorming information from the day prior, students will make decisions about their ORIGINAL SHORT STORY. Students will complete each section of the graphic organizer above, based on the story they want to tell. 

Daily Grade 5: Brainstorming Session 1

DATE: September 16 
Grade Type: Two Daily Grades 

DIRECTIONS: Students were to fold a paper into 6 sections, then label the sections as follows: 
1) Topic
2) Main Character (3 Internal Characteristics, 3 External Characteristics, 1 Metaphor, 1 Simile) 
3) Setting 
4) Time Period 
5) Conflict 
6) Point of View 
Then, students brainstormed and made decisions about each section based on the ORIGINAL SHORT STORY they are going to write. 

Major Grade 1: Compare and Contrast 3 Stories

DATE: September 10 
Grade Type: Major 

DIRECTIONS: We compared and contrasted Life is So Good, "Telephone Man" and "Fires in the Mirror" based on the 7 topics provided in the upper-right corner of this graphic organizer. 

SPECIAL NOTE: You may check out the text for these stories from Ms. K. 

Daily Grade 4: POV and Little Red Riding Hood

DATE: September 13
Grade Type: Daily 

DIRECTIONS: We reviewed the types of POINT-OF-VIEW. Then, we read through 5 examples of a paragraph from "Little Red Riding Hood." We labeled each with the type of POV in which it was written, and well as provided justification for our label. 

Daily Grade 3: "Fires in the Mirror" It Says...

DATE: September 9
Grade Type: Daily
DIRECTIONS: In class, we read a short story called "Fires in the Mirror." The story is told from multiple perspectives. Based on the different perspectives, we figure out what we think actually happened. In the above diagram, we answer the sentences in the left column by doing the following: 
    • In the "It Says" column, find text evidence that helps answer the question. 
    • In the "I Say" column, record what you know about the question or text evidence. 
    • In the "And so..." column, write your answer to the question.  

SPECIAL NOTE: You may check out the text for this story from Ms. K. 

Daily Grade 2: "Telephone Man" Sequence Chart

Grade Type: Daily 

DIRECTIONS: In class, we read a short story called "Telephone Man." We mapped out the series of events, how they affected the character and how we felt about that event. After reading, we analyze how the character was changed by the series of events in the story. 

SPECIAL NOTE: You may check out the text for this story from Ms. K.